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Automatically Logging In Website Using VB Script

I am trying to automate login process for a website. I used below code Dim objIE Dim htmld Set objIE = CreateObject('InternetExplorer.Application') objIE.Visible = False objIE.Navi

Solution 1:

Try these additional checks:

Dim IE
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With IE
    .Visible = False
    .Navigate "" ' is example not the original
    Do While .Busy Or Not .readyState = 4: WScript.Sleep 100: Loop
    Do Until .document.readyState = "complete": WScript.Sleep 100: Loop
    Do While TypeName(.document.getElementById("login_id")) = "Null": WScript.Sleep 100: Loop
    .document.getElementById("login_id").Value = "ss"
End With

Solution 2:

I wrote a vbscript to do just what you asked, and I use it all the time. It opens up one tab in IE, and logs in, then it opens two more tabs to different pages in our application.

On Error Resume Next

ECRecord = "http://vm195/views/welcome.action"
ECJobs = "http://vm195/views/job/jobList.action?query.MaxResults=500&allStates=false%2F&query.ActiveState=true&query.ActiveState=false%2F&query.PendingState=true&query.PendingState=false%2F&query.CompletedState=false%2F&query.FailedState=true&query.FailedState=false%2F&query.CancelledState=true&query.CancelledState=false%2F&query.HoldState=true&query.HoldState=false%2F&query.jobTypes=-1&allFreqs=true&allFreqs=false%2F&query.DailyFrequency=true&query.DailyFrequency=false%2F&query.IntervalFrequency=true&query.IntervalFrequency=false%2F&query.SetDateFrequency=true&query.SetDateFrequency=false%2F&query.SingleFrequency=true&query.SingleFrequency=false%2F&query.patientId=&query.accessionNumber=&query.studyPk=&query.dateRange=-3&query.beginDate=&query.endDate=&Submit=Search&refreshRate=120"
ECConfig = "http://vm195/views/org/organizationTree.action"

Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
oIE.Visible = True
'open a new window
oIE.Navigate2 ECRecord

Do While (oIE.Busy)
   WScript.Sleep 10

 Set Helem = oIE.document.getElementByID("username")
 Helem.Value = "tsu500" ' change this to yours
 Set Helem = oIE.document.getElementByID("password")
 Helem.Value = "production" ' change this to yours


 'Set Helem = oIE.document.Forms(1)

WScript.Sleep 500

Do While (oIE.Busy)
   WScript.Sleep 10

'open url In new tab
oIE.Navigate2 ECJobs, 2048
WScript.Sleep 100
oIE.Navigate2 ECConfig, 2048

Set oIE = Nothing 

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