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R: Error In As.vector(x, "character"): Cannot Coerce Type 'externalptr' To Vector Of Type 'character'

I am using the R programming language. I am trying to combine a HTML file and a JPG Image file together. My code looks something like this: library(plotly) library(shiny) library(m

Solution 1:

Maybe you can put this in R Markdown and knit it as HTML to get the output in one HTML file.


```{r,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE}library(plotly)library(shiny)library(magick)widget_1=plot_ly(iris,x=~Sepal.Length,type="histogram",nbinsx=20)#upload some jpg image from your computer into Rmy_image=image_read("try.png")``````{r,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,fig.height=3}widget_1``````{r,echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,out.width="600px"}my_image```

This generates HTML file as :

enter image description here

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