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Center A Section When Using Smooth Scroll

I am using Chris Ferdinandi's Smooth Scroll script and I am trying to have it scroll to an element, but land with that element centred. Similarly to what is done at

Solution 1:


(function() {

   functionsetStuff(elementhref) {

      var elementheight = $(elementhref).height();
      var windowheight = $(window).height();

      if (elementheight < windowheight) {
        topoffset = ((windowheight / 2) - (elementheight / 2) - 30);
      } else {
       topoffset = 0;


   $('.downarrow a').click(function() {
     setStuff( $(this).attr('href') );


Only targeting the one you have 'clicked' - this - and making a jquery object of out it so you can access the jquery methods $(this)

Edit/Update - added in the parts to connect the click handler with a function to dostuff

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