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Finding The Login Form Based On Content

Basically I want to find out the login form when there are multiple forms on a HTML document. My guess is as following: What if i can identify to which form strings like 'forgot yo

Solution 1:

var loginFormId = $('form').filter(function() {
    returnthis.innerHTML.indexOf('forgot your password') != -1;

Or simply with :contains:

var loginFormId = $('form:contains("forgot your password")').attr('id');​

:contains selector docs:

Description: Select all elements that contain the specified text. The matching text can appear directly within the selected element, in any of that element's descendants, or a combination thereof. As with attribute value selectors, text inside the parentheses of :contains() can be written as a bare word or surrounded by quotation marks. The text must have matching case to be selected.



If you are not sure about the case of the text, you must use filter:

var theFormId = $('form').filter(function() {
    var text = this.innerHTML.toLowerCase(); 
    return text.indexOf('forgot your password') != -1 || 
           text.indexOf('remember me') != -1;

Solution 2:

var loginForm;
    if($(this).text().indexOf("Remember me")>=0)
         loginForm = $(this);

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